1891 Club Holds Kick-off Event

The 1891 Club, Meredith’s student philanthropy organization, held its fall kick-off event on August 27 on Meredith Beach. All students were invited to learn more about the club, enjoy a dessert from a food truck, win giveaways, and make a flower crown.

The purpose of the 1891 Club is to help current students prepare for a lifelong relationship with the College as partners, advocates, and investors. Founded in 2014, the student alumnae organization strives to show the importance of alumnae giving and prepare them for supporting Meredith College after they graduate.

“The 1891 Club is proud to be Meredith’s largest student organization and a perfect complement to the overall Meredith experience,” said Taylor Wilson Twine, ʼ13, assistant director of alumnae relations. “Being a member of the 1891 Club not only provides students with fun giveaways and events but teaches them the value in being involved while here on campus and maintaining that relationship upon graduation.”

Students can learn more and join the 1891 club by visiting meredith.edu/alumnae/1891-club.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
