Julia Dent, ’15, isn’t afraid of going out of her way to get what she wants or taking a few extra steps to make sure she succeeds.
Case in point – Julia, an aspiring journalist – chose to create her own major in media writing. And to ensure all of her academic and professional interests were covered, she supplemented her major with not one, not two, but five minors. For the curious, those include international studies, photography, environmental sustainability, history, and professional writing.
With such a full academic load, it would be understandable to presume Julia’s involvement at Meredith ended in the classroom. But that’s not the case for this strong senior. Julia served as the editor for The Meredith Herald for three years, completed several internships, studied abroad in Denmark, and participated in the Honors program.
Julia’s work on the Herald influenced her decision to seek internships to get real-world journalism experience. She secured positions in Washington, D.C., with the National Journalism Center and The Daily Caller. Both internships allowed her to strengthen her writing, editing, and interpersonal skills.
“I attended press conferences at the White House and weekly lectures with journalists,” she said. “I published videos and photographs, and wrote more than 100 articles for The Daily Callerwebsite.”
Her international experience in Denmark was also significant. “Studying abroad boosted my confidence,” she said. “I was able to navigate foreign countries by myself and tackled learning Danish.”
Julia will bring that confidence to whatever she does. She’s marketing project coordinator for Business 21 Publishing and a freelance writer. There’s no doubt that wherever she goes, she’ll make it an adventure.
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