Jason Lowry, ’14, MBA, excels when it comes to customer service. He has a knack for building relationships and anticipating clients’ needs – skills that helped him land a job as a corporate sales executive for Citrix once he earned the Meredith MBA.
Before pursuing his MBA, Jason leveraged eight years of corporate experience to develop and teach high school business curriculum in one of North Carolina’s most sought after charter schools. After five years in the classroom, he wanted to transition from instruction to a sales and marketing position. He decided his best course of action to achieve his goal was to pursue an MBA.
His personal connection to Meredith – his wife is an alumna, so he’s seen first-hand the quality of a Meredith education – influenced his decision to enroll. But that wasn’t his only reason.
“Hands down it is the best deal in the area,” Jason said.
Throughout the program, Jason built upon his expertise and acquired new strengths to help him be a more thoughtful and versatile professional.
“The MBA is all about problem solving,” he said. “I enjoyed the case studies because they provided a real-word framework to apply to a multitude of obstacles faced in business today.”
Jason used his enhanced problem solving skills, along with his innate business sense, to consult with prospective clients in his role at Citrix. He evaluated their business objectives and worked to identify the best solutions to meet their needs.
Jason was able to seamlessly blend his customer-first approach to sales with his drive to deliver results. Not surprisingly, Jason cited Strategies for Effective Negotiation as one of his favorite courses at Meredith.
“I will always remember how intense the Negotiation class was,” he said. “It was only a simulation but we all took it very seriously.”
The “challenging and fun” experience bonded Jason to his classmates and faculty, and resulted in a number of lasting relationships. “Even after graduation, they are always available to answer questions, offer advice, and write recommendations,” he said.
And, in the years since he graduated, his career continues to evolve. Today, as Demand Planning Manager for Cisco, he has even more opportunities to apply the skills and knowledge he gained through the MBA program.
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