Academic & Cultural Events

Students are required to attend eight academic or cultural events to complete the skills and experience portion of the general education program. To receive credit for attending an event, students must complete the academic/cultural event form and submit a copy to both the registrar’s office and to their advisor. 

What is an academic/cultural event?

Events both on and off campus meet the definition of an academic or cultural event. Some examples include:

  • Campus-wide convocations and symposia
  • Meredith College diversity events and speakers
  • Participation in assigned performances or events through Meredith College courses
  • Attendance at one full presentation session during Celebrating Student Achievement [link to CSA page]
  • Plays, musical performances and performing arts concerts
  • Public lectures, poetry and literary readings
  • Art museum shows or gallery openings
  • Film festivals
  • International festivals

If you are unsure of whether or not an event meets the criteria for an academic or cultural event, contact the General Education office prior to attending the event by phone at (919) 760-8604 or email

What is not an academic/cultural event?

While some events are fun and entertaining, they may not have the educational component needed to count toward academic and cultural event requirements. Examples of such events include:

  • Sporting events
  • State or county fairs
  • Pop music concerts
  • Church plays and festivals
  • Profession-oriented presentations at student organization meetings
  • Traditional student activities such as Cornhuskin’, balls and dances

Contact Information
Rebecca Duncan
118B Lux Hall