Veronique Machelidon in Blue coat wearing spectacles

Veronique Machelidon

Professor of French


Dr. Machelidon is a native of Belgium.  She enjoys teaching French language and culture at all levels.  She firmly believes that all students develop strong intellectual and critical skills through their study of world languages as well as life-long personal enjoyment.  Every spring she enjoys leading a group of student cinema fans to the Richmond French Film Festival, the largest French Film event after the Cannes festival!  Recently, she created new courses on Paris in Literature and the Visual Arts, and French Cuisine, Hospitality and Culture.

Academic Credentials

BA in Germanic Philology, Liège University, Belgium

MA in Comparative Literature, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

PhD in Comparative Literature, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Professional Credentials

Accreditation for translation from English to French.  January 1994 – present.  American Translators Association (ATA).


Dr. Machelidon’s research interests are women’s literature, French and Francophone colonial and post-colonial studies, immigration, translation, and cinema.


Reimagi(ni)ng North African Immigration. Identities in Flux in French literature, television, and film. Ed. Véronique Machelidon and Patrick Saveau.  Manchester University Press: Feb 2018.

“Unearthing the father’s secret: postmemory and identity in harki and pied noir narratives.” Reimagi(ni)ng North African Immigration. Identities in Flux in French literature, television, and film. Ed.  Véronique Machelidon and Patrick Saveau.  Manchester University Press: Feb 2018, pp. 153-177.

“Teaching Race, Class, and Slavery in Indiana,Approaches to Teaching Sand’s Indiana.  Eds. David Powell and Pratima Prasad. NY: MLA, 2016: 72-80.

French Translation of Dr. K. Steven Vincent’s article “Elie Halévy et l’éclipse du socialisme modéré après la Première Guerre mondiale” in Elie Halévy et l’Ere des tyrannies (Actes du colloque de novembre 2016). Paris: Société d’édition Les Belles Lettres : 2018, p. 153-170.

“Rachid Boudjedra in English Translation: Negotiating the Challenges of Multiculturalism” French Review 86.5 (April 2013). 948-961.

Underground, Unknown, Unseen.  New Orleans: University Press of the South, 2009. Translation of Rachid Boudjedra’s play Mines de rien.  Paris: Denoël, 1995.

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