Sergei Kolomeitsev

Sergei Kolomeitsev

Assistant Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship

Harris 117

(919) 760-8130

StrongPoints® Strengths: Connectedness, Achiever, Ideation, Analytical, Belief


Sergei Kolomeitsev is an Assistant Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship at Meredith College.
He graduated with a Ph.D. in Management from the University of Arkansas in 2022 as a Walton
College of Business Distinguished Doctoral Fellow. Dr. Kolomeitsev’s research has been accepted
for publication in top journals including the Academy of Management Journal and the Journal of
Management. In addition, Dr. Kolomeitsev is an award winning instructor who has been
recognized for teaching excellence in the classroom.

Before beginning his academic career, Dr. Kolomeitsev held a leadership and strategy role at a
clean technology startup and worked with senior executives on strategy, innovation, and risk
management at a Fortune 500 company. Furthermore, at William Davidson Institute at
University of Michigan he worked with professors on development of business case studies and
innovative learning experiences such as the Leadership Crisis Challenge: Timora International.

Academic Credentials

Ph.D. in Management (Strategy & Entrepreneurship focus), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,

B.A. Double Majored in Economics and Russian & East European Studies, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI


Kolomeitsev, S., Moergen, K., Ridge, J., Worrell, D. & Kuban, S. For Fear and Duty: A General
Deterrence Perspective of Firm Lobbying Adjustments Following Competitor Regulatory
Violations. Presented at Academy of Management 2021 Annual Conference (virtual).

Ridge, J., Kolomeitsev, S., Ingram, A., & Worrell, D. Suspicious of Big Brother: Paranoid CEOs
and Their Effect on Firm Lobbying Expenditures. Presented at Strategic Management
Society 2020 Annual Conference (virtual).

Kolomeitsev, S. Reciprocity for Accommodations? Presented at Academy of Management 2020
Annual Conference (virtual).

Kolomeitsev, S. & Cummings, M. ADHD and Entrepreneurship – Is There a “Success” Fit?
Presented at the Academy of Management 2018 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Kolomeitsev, S. & Cummings, M. Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a Match: Using Person-
job Fit to Theorize Optimal Configurations of Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity
Disorder Symptoms and Different Forms of Self-Employment. Presented at Sustainability,
Ethics, & Entrepreneurship (SEE) 2018 Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Clayborn, E. A., Kolomeitsev, S., Sapulet, F., Mills, L. A. The Activist CEO: The Effects of
Espresso-ing Your Concerns in Corporate America. Presented at Southern States
Communication Association 2018 Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.

Schulz, E. R., Endres, M., & Kolomeitsev, S. Individual Differences in 401(k) Plan Allocation
Choices. Presented at the Academy of Management 2016 Annual Conference, Anaheim,

Recent Research Related Media Attention
Academy of Management Insights – What to Expect from Paranoid CEOs.


Sam M. Walton College of Business Distinguished Doctoral Fellow

Sam M. Walton College of Business Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award



Kolomeitsev, S., Moergen, K., Ridge, J., Worrell, D., & Kuban, S. (Forthcoming). Peer Response
to Regulatory Enforcement: Lobbying by Non-Sanctioned Firms. Journal of

Ridge, J., Hill, A., Ingram, A., Kolomeitsev, S., & Worrell, D. (Forthcoming). Avoidance and
Aggression in Stakeholder Engagement: The Impact of CEO Paranoia and Paranoia-
Relevant Cues. Academy of Management Journal.

Schulz, E., Endres, M., Kolomeitsev, S., & de Castillo, R. (2016). Individual Differences in 401(k)
Plan Allocation Choices. Compensation & Benefits Review, 47(4), 151-165.

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