
 Kris Macomber

Kris Macomber

Adjunct, Sociology & Criminology

204 Lux Hall

(919) 760-8701


Dr. Kris Macomber is an award winning teacher and publicly engaged scholar who loves bringing social science research to Meredith students and to the public. Her specializations include violence and victimization, inequality and justice, women’s incarceration, social change, ally activism, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. She is currently working to incorporate visual sociology and documentary work into her research and teaching.

Macomber’s work is featured in academic publications, such as The Journal of Interpersonal Violence, The Journal of Popular Culture, and Teaching Sociology. She also engages regularly with the news media and has done print, radio, and television interviews with a variety of outlets, including The New York Times, The BBC, PBS, Slate Magazine, Feminist Current, and local and regional news.

Dr. Macomber is thrilled to be in the department of Sociology and Criminology, where she teaches a range of courses, including Gender and Violence, Women and Prison, Introduction to Sociology, Corrections, Visual Sociology, and Research Capstone, among others. She loves to share her passion for teaching and learning with Meredith students and takes great pride in helping spark their curiosity about the world through hands-on, interactive learning.

You can see Dr. Macomber’s Meredith Minute video about Title IX here and you can see her featured in the Criminology Program video here:

You can learn more about her at, find her on Twitter at @KrisMacomberSoc, and check out the Sociology and Criminology Facebook page at:

Academic Credentials

Ph.D. in Sociology, North Carolina State University
M.A. in Sociology, North Carolina State University
B.A. in Sociology, University of Rhode Island, with minors in Women’s and Gender Studies and Theatre


The Pauline Davis Perry Award for Excellence in Teaching, Meredith College

The Access Award, for advocacy and support of students with disabilities, Meredith College

American Sociological Association’s SAGE Professional Teaching Development and Innovation

Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award, North Carolina State University


Macomber, Kris. Forthcoming 2020. “Examining Gender Inequality.” Chapter 4 in Mary Nell Trautner, Kathleen Odell Korgen, and Maxine P. Atkinson (Eds) Social Problems in Action. Los Angeles: Sage Publishing.

Macomber, Kris and Sarah Epplen. 2018. Instructor’s Manual for The Sociologically Examined Life: Pieces of the Conversation (5 th Ed) by Michael Schwalbe. Oxford University Press. Macomber, Kris. 2016. “Ally Activism: Damned if you do, Damned if you Don’t.” Sociology in Focus.

Macomber, Kris. 2015. “I’m Sure as Hell Not Putting Anyone on a Pedestal: Male Privilege and Accountability in Domestic and Sexual Violence Work. The Journal of Interpersonal Violence 33(9).

Macomber, Kris, Trishana Jones, Joy Piontak, Judy Chaet, Monique Conway. 2014. “State-Level Environmental Scan: Assessing Services to Children Exposed to Domestic Violence in North Carolina.” Prepared for The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

Macomber, Kris. 2014. “There’s a Precious Few Men who Truly Get It,” in Chapter Five, “The Logic of Grounded Theory Coding Practices and Initial Coding,” and Chapter Six, “Focused Coding and Beyond” in Kathy Charmaz’s Constructing Grounded Theory: Practical Guidance Through Qualitative Analysis, 3rd Edition. Los Angeles: Sage.

Macomber, Kris and Sarah E. Rusche. 2011. “Using Early Racial Memories to Teach About Racial Inequality.” Feminist Teacher 20 (3).

Macomber, Kris, Sarah E. Rusche, and Delmar Wright. 2008. “After the Levees Broke: Reactions of College Students to the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.” In David Brunsma, David J. Overfelt, and Steven Picou (Eds) The Sociology of Katrina: Perspectives on a Modern Catastrophe. Lanham: Roman and Littlefield.

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