Kim Burke

Kimberly Burke

Dean, School of Business

Harris 217

(919) 760-8417

StrongPoints® Strengths: Achiever, Learner, Empathy, Individualization, Relator


Kimberly Gladden Burke is Dean of the School of Business and a Professor of Accounting at Meredith College. She  started her career in Dallas, Texas where she initially worked as an auditor with Price Waterhouse and then  became a director of internal auditing for Unigate Restaurants. After receiving her Ph.D. from Oklahoma State  University, Dr. Burke joined the faculty of the Else School of Management at Millsaps College where she served as  a faculty member and then became dean. Dr. Burke joined Meredith College in 2021.  

Dr. Burke has received multiple awards for her leadership and teaching, including recognition as one of the 50  Leading Business Women in Mississippi, Distinguished Accounting Alumna from Oklahoma State University and the  Mississippi Professor of the Year awarded by CASE and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. As a researcher, Dr. Burke has authored 25 journal articles and won several awards for her papers and  presentations. Her research interests include marketing CPA services and the labor economics of higher  education. In addition, she is the co-author of several continuing education courses offered by the AICPA.  

Dr. Burke is an active member of the business community, providing consulting and educational services for a  variety of public accounting firms and associations and serving in leadership positions on multiple nonprofit  boards. Dr. Burke lives in Willow Spring, North Carolina with her husband and their daughter.


Academic Credentials

Ph.D. Oklahoma State University, Business Administration (Accounting) 

M.S. Texas Tech University, Accounting 

B.B.A. Texas Tech University, Accounting 


Fender, B.F., K.G. Burke and S.W. Taylor, Recommendations from the Field: Expanding Business  Education in the Small School Environment, presented at the Academy of Business Research Conference,  New Orleans, LA, March 2018 

Burke, K.G., B.F. Fender and S.W. Taylor, Academic Accountants Out of Bounds – Using Atypical  Scholarship as Earnings Leverage at the Academy of Business Research Conference, New Orleans, LA,  March 2015 (Best Paper Award). 


Mississippi’s 50 Leading Business Women – Mississippi Business Journal, 2021 

Distinguished Accounting Alumna, Wilton T. Anderson Hall of Fame – School of Accounting, Oklahoma  State University, 2017 

Outstanding Educator, State of Mississippi – Mississippi Society of CPAs, 2014 

Mississippi Professor of the Year – Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the  Council for Advancement and Support of Education, 2008 

Distinguished Faculty Award – Millsaps College, 2007 


Fender, B.F., Burke, K.G. and Taylor, S.W. (2018). Recommendations from the Field: Expanding Business  Education in the Small School Environment. Business Education Innovation Journal, 10(2). 

Fender, B.F., Taylor, S.W. and Burke, K.G. (2015). Isn’t It Ironic? Research Rewards and Teaching Taxes.  Journal of Business and Economic Research, 13(4), pp. 231-40. 

Fender, B.F., Taylor, S.W. and Burke, K.G. (2011). Substitutes or Complements: Teaching and Scholarship  for the Active Scholar. The Journal of Applied Financial Research, 1, pp. 51-64. 

Burke, K.G., Fender, B.F. and Taylor, S.W. (2008). Swinging for the Fences: Human Capital and Workplace  Characteristics of Accountants Publishing in Top Journals. The Accounting Educator’s Journal, 18 (1), pp.  29-46. 

Prenshaw, P.J., Kovar, S.E. and Burke, K.G. (2006). The Impact of Involvement on Satisfaction for New  Nontraditional Service Offerings. Journal of Services Marketing, 20(6 and 7), pp. 439-452. 

Taylor, S.W., Fender, B.F. and Burke, K.G. (2006). Unraveling Academic Productivity Among Economists:  The Opportunity Costs of Teaching and Service, Southern Economic Journal, 76(4), pp. 846-859.  

Burke, K.G., Kovar, S.E. and Prenshaw, P.J. (2004). Unraveling the Expectations Gap: An Assurance Gaps  Model and Illustrative Application. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, 7, pp. 169-193.  

Burke, K.G., Kovar, S.E. and Prenshaw, P.J. (2003). Understanding the Satisfaction Process for New  Assurance Services: The Role of Attitudes, Expectations, Disconfirmation and Performance. Advances in  Accounting, 20, pp. 43-76.

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