Carol Tillman - Trustee

Carol Boyd Tillman, ’72

Board of Trustees

President Office 2nd Floor, Johnson Hall

(919) 760-8511


Carol Boyd Tillman is a 1972 graduate of Meredith College. After graduation, Carol taught school for several years. Throughout the years, Carol has volunteered with the public school system, The Raleigh Junior Woman’s Club, and the Raleigh Jaycettes.  However, as a native of Eastern North Carolina, the philanthropic pursuits closest to her heart have focused on  improving and preserving her hometown of Belhaven, NC and the surrounding areas. She is currently a member of The North Carolina Historic Bath Commission. She previously served as a Pungo District Hospital Foundation Board Member and as Belhaven Celebrations Committee Member. She is also active in her church, the First Christian Church of Belhaven, NC, where she has served as a Deacon.

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1st Floor Park Center
(919) 760-8898
(919) 760-8164