Brain Routh

Brian Routh

Professor of Accounting

Harris 231

(919) 760-8484

StrongPoints® Strengths: Relator, Deliberative, Intellection, Discipline, Analytical


Dr. T. Brian Routh is an Assistant Professor of Accounting in the School of Business at Meredith College in Raleigh, NC. Dr. Routh holds both Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Accounting from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and a doctorate degree in accounting from Anderson University in Anderson, IN.

Dr. Routh has taught for over 20 years at numerous colleges and universities including Louisiana State University, Washington State University, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and the University of Southern Indiana. His teaching interests are in financial accounting, managerial accounting, cost accounting and accounting data analytics. Dr. Routh’s research currently focuses on accounting pedagogy (particularly in the introductory accounting courses), accounting ethics, banking, analytics and financial statement disclosure.

Academic Credentials

D.B.A., Accounting, Anderson University
M.S., Accounting, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
B.S., Accounting, University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Professional Credentials

Data Analytics & Visualization Fundamentals Certification, Institute of Management Accountants


2023: NCSU Conference on Faculty Excellence – “A Process Costing Simulation: Experiential Learning in the Introductory Managerial Accounting Course”

2019: Course Hero Education Summit, Conference Presenter, YouTube: Flipping Your Classroom

2018: Conference Presenter/Participant, Connect with Success: Accounting Summit on Managerial Accounting (sponsored by McGraw-Hill)

2012: Western Region American Accounting Associate conference presentation: “Engaging Students in the Introductory Accounting Courses Using Active-Based Learning Techniques”

2011: Western Region American Accounting Association conference presentation: “The Accounting Cycle: A Student Generated Case Study”

2010: Western Region American Accounting Association conference presentation: “How Costs Flow through a Wooden Chair Manufacturing Company: A Human Simulation”


2024, 2023, 2022, 2021: Broyhill Research Fellow

2023: Service Award, Meredith College School of Business

2022: Broyhill Teaching Fellow

2016: Outstanding Achievement in Online Course Development, Department of Online Course Development, Outreach and Engagement for the University of Southern Indiana

2013: Instructor of the Year, Washington State University


Discipline-Based Research:

Routh, T.B. (2023). A Process Costing Simulation: Experiential Learning in the Introductory Managerial Accounting Course. The Accounting Educators’ Journal. (Forthcoming: accepted for publication May 2023)

Seelye, N. Routh, T.B. (2022). Revenue Management at the U.S. Commercial Banks During the Pandemic. Management Accounting Quarterly, 23(3), 21-29.

Seelye, N., Ziegler, P.W., Routh, T.B. (2021). The Stability of the U.S. Commercial Banks During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts and Implications from Regulator and Management Decisions. Accountancy Business and the Public Interest.

Seelye, N., Routh, T.B., Ziegler, P.W. (2019). Bank Failures: A Study of Georgia Banks. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 19(5), ISSN: 2158-3625. Routh, T.B., McKnight, M.A., Moore, A.B. (2019).

Disclosing tax consequences of a LIFO repeal: Considerations toward an ethical decision-making model based on potential convergence of IFRS & U.S. GAAP. Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research.

Learning and Pedagogical Research:

Routh, T.B. (2009). How costs flow through a wooden chair manufacturing company: a human simulation. American Accounting Association – Teaching, Learning & Curriculum (TLC) Section: The Accounting Educator, XIX (No. 1), 9-11.

Teaching & Learning:

Routh, T.B. (2021). Accounting Survival Guide: An Introduction to Accounting for Beginners – eBook

Routh, T.B. (2012). What is Financial Accounting & Bookkeeping? – eBook

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