

Are you a small business, independent contractor, or self-employed individual in desperate need of coronavirus relief options? A second round of Covid-19 relief funding is now available to small businesses, self-employed individuals, and independent contractors. This free webinar will guide you through the process of applying for small business relief as part of the new round of COVID-19 funding.

We’ll help you understand if you are eligible for funding, how much funding small businesses you can apply to receive, what the funding can be used for, whether you will have to pay any part of the funding back, and, most importantly, how to actually apply for the COVID-19 grants and loans for small businesses.

Download the Webinar FAQ sheet and Powerpoint Presentation.

Janey McMillen

Dr. Janey Sturtz McMillen is the Director of Sponsored Programs for Meredith College, as well as the owner of a small business. She has over 25 years of experience in obtaining federal funding, serving as principal investigator for more than 20 federally-funded studies, frequent panel member for federal grant and contract reviews, and Chief Scientific Officer for a private research and development company in RTP for over 13 years.