Institutional Fonts 

Meredith’s primary institutional fonts are Helvetica Neue (True Type) Medium and Light.

The medium weight is typically used for headlines, but it can also be used for subheads or emphasis in body copy where you might normally use bold.

Helvetica Neue Light is used for body copy. Use the light weight in all caps or upper and lower case for callouts. Italic versions of both weights are available when necessary.

Meredith’s secondary institutional font is Adobe Garamond Pro and is used in body copy and pull quotes.

Helvetica Neue and Adobe Garamond Pro are not to be used in conjunction with Intro Condensed or Uniform, Meredith’s primary fonts for recruitment materials.

If you don’t have Helvetica Neue or Adobe Garamond Pro – the Arial font family is a good substitute for Helvetica Neue; the Times New Roman font family is a good substitute for Adobe Garamond Pro.

Meredith Institutional Fonts Chart 2022

Contact Information
Third Floor, Johnson Hall
3800 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27607
(919) 760-8455
Fax: (919) 760-8330

Office hours:
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m