Fall is one of the most exciting times of year for admissions staff – and one of the most stressful for high school seniors. From feeling pressure to pen the perfect essay (no such thing) to whittling down your list to the schools that are right for you, if you’re a college senior you have no shortage of things to worry about.
Just in time, we have some blog posts with tips to help you successfully complete your college applications so you can enjoy the rest of your senior year.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need some help getting organized, this post is for you. This “To Do” list for your senior year breaks down the most pressing items to get done in priority order.
If you’re not sure how to describe your experiences in a way that really captures all that you’ve done, this post offers step-by-step instructions to write a strong resume.
While this blog post addresses one of the most common concerns of college freshmen, managing your time effectively will definitely help you finish your college applications. (See Strategy #2: Make a To-Do List!)
Taking care of your health will ensure that you have the energy and drive to finish your college applications. Get some tips to maintain a wellness mindset through this last push to the finish line.
Still feeling anxious? Remember that you’re not in it alone! This blog post explains all of the ways your admissions counselor can help you as you navigate the college application process.
If you (or your parents) are convinced that there is one magical school that you MUST get into at all costs, read this post and then pass it on to your family.
Once you’ve submitted your applications, be sure to take a moment to celebrate your hard work! There will be more to do once your acceptances begin to roll in, but for now, savor your success.
Sign up for our blog and get tips to help you write a strong college application essay. You’ll also receive valuable information every week to help you with your college search, including how to tell if a school is a good fit, how to pay for college, and more!
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