Preparing for a Campus Visit

A campus visit is an essential part of choosing the right college for you. Exploring the campus will give you an inside look at Meredith’s culture and the many opportunities available to students. 

As the day of your campus visit approaches, you may be wondering how to prepare. What can I expect? How long should I plan to be on campus? What questions should I ask? When is the best time to visit? 

In today’s blog post, we’ve gathered advice on how to prepare for a campus visit. 

  Research Before Visiting

  • Familiarize yourself with the college’s website, academic programs, campus facilities, and any specific departments or majors you’re interested in.
  • Find out what types of visits are offered. At Meredith, we offer individual campus visits and admissions open houses. An individual campus visit will be tailored to your specific interests and an open house will provide a broader overview of the College.

 Plan Ahead

  • For individual campus visits, schedule your visit online at least seven days in advance to allow us time to tailor your visit to your academic interests and career aspirations. Space is limited at each visit so that we can provide a personalized experience.    
  • For open houses, registration closes the day before at noon. 
  • If possible, schedule your individual visit during the week when classes are in session. You’ll be able to get a feel for the campus on a typical day.
  • Plan to spend a few hours on campus. Your visit to Meredith is more than just a tour. Individual campus visits include a one-on-one chat with your admissions counselor, a campus tour with a current Meredith student, and time with a professor in an area of interest. 

Open houses are typically from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. You’ll have the opportunity to speak with faculty, staff, and students about academics and campus life and learn about the application and scholarship process as well as financial assistance. You’ll also learn more about StrongPoints®, Meredith’s distinctive advising and personal coaching model, and how Meredith will make you even stronger. 

Ask Questions

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions during your one-on-one with your admissions counselor, when meeting with a faculty member, and when touring with a current student. Your tour guide can provide valuable insights about student life, academics, and the overall college experience. This is your opportunity to gather information.

Read 5 Things to Ask Faculty Members on a College Visit 

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