How You Can Waive Your College Application Fee

Meredith student sitting at laptop and working on tablet.

College application season is ramping up, and it’s essential to know all of your application options. We know it can get stressful between whittling down your college choices, writing application essays, finishing up your last year in school, and paying application fees. We want to help make your application process as smooth as possible, which is why we have options for you to waive your application fee.

In this blog post, we’ll go over the different ways you can have your application fee waived here at Meredith.

Countdown to College

Every October, the College Foundation of North Carolina hosts an event called Countdown to College (C2C). This year, it will take place during College Application Week, which is October 17-21. High school seniors are encouraged to complete three important college enrollment steps during College Application Week: residency, FAFSA, and applications.

As one of the many NC colleges and universities taking part in C2C, Meredith will be waiving the application fees during this exciting week.

Learn more about College Application Week.

Friends of Meredith College Application Fee Voucher

Do you know any Meredith alumnae? Talk with them and see if they’re willing to endorse you. Alumnae referrals are important to us because it shows their interest and dedication to future generations of Meredith students. That’s why we have a Friends of Meredith College Application Fee Voucher for Prospective Meredith Students. Other people with connections to the College such as faculty, staff, and current students can also sponsor you.

Have your chosen friend of Meredith fill out the voucher, and once they’ve completed it, they’ll  return it to you so you can submit it with your application to waive your application fee. From there, your application will be reviewed carefully and with your best interest in mind.

Think Meredith

Think Meredith is an open house for high school seniors where you can learn more about how we’ll help you identify your strengths and build upon them. While attending the open house, you’ll learn about the application, scholarship, and financial assistance process. You’ll also have the chance to meet faculty, staff, and students and hear about campus life and academics. You can learn more about out advising and personal coaching model, StrongPoints®, and how it can benefit you.

Another perk of attending Think Meredith is you will receive a discount code that will waive your application fee. 

Register for Think Meredith today.


We want to see you thrive and succeed, both before and during your time at Meredith. If you have any questions about the application process, you can email or visit We look forward to seeing you soon.

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