Choosing the right college is one of the biggest decisions families make. As you guide and support your daughter in deciding where to apply, you may have a lot of questions — particularly about how colleges decide who gets in and who doesn’t.
Some common questions I hear from parents and families are: Is there a formula? Does a single reader review my daughter’s application or will multiple people review an application? Or is the decision made by a committee?
The truth: All of these options are within the realm of possibility. Offers of admission are based on each school’s enrollment objectives. Making admissions decisions is not a one-size-fits-all approach.
Large state schools may use a test score and GPA formula. Highly selective schools may have multiple reviewers with many voices weighing in on a decision. At other schools, the relationship your daughter has formed with an admission counselor may weigh heavily into a decision offered by a committee.
At Meredith, for instance, applications are reviewed from a holistic approach. Like many small schools, we have the privilege and luxury of getting to know your daughter as a student, a person, and as a potential member of the Meredith community. And while your daughter’s application can provide strong insight into who she is, there’s no question that visiting campus and meeting with an admissions counselor is the best way for us to get to know her on a more personal level.
All of your daughter’s achievements – academic and otherwise – are reviewed in context of the opportunities she’s been afforded. Test score and high school record show her potential for academic success. Service to the community attests to a depth of personal commitment to our common good. After-school work may demonstrate initiative and responsibility. Your daughter’s essay provides evidence of her writing ability and her understanding of the value of studying at Meredith. Finally, recommendations from guidance counselors and teachers are invaluable to the process and may serve to tip the scale.
So at Meredith, when we respond to an applicant with “yes” we’re predicting the likelihood for academic success, good fit within the community, and with anticipation of all your daughter will bring to this community.
As you can see, there are many different approaches to making admissions decisions. How do you tell which of these approaches the schools your daughter is applying to uses? You can glean a lot about what a school considers important by the kinds of questions that are asked on the application. Your daughter’s admissions counselor is also a great source of information as to what a particular school considers most important, so don’t hesitate to ask.
Most importantly, as you help your daughter through the application process and decisions start coming in, take comfort in knowing that there are a lot of factors that go into a college’s decision about who to admit — and everyone involved is striving to find the best fit between the student and the college.
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