Nursing / Admissions
How to Apply
If you are a high school student who is interested in applying to the nursing program, your first step is to apply to Meredith.
Incoming first-year students and currently enrolled Meredith students can apply to the nursing program during the fall semester through a separate application process.
Nursing Application Requirements
The first nursing program application cycle will begin after midterms in fall of 2025.
Meredith College Nursing Program uses a holistic admission process that includes the following requirements:
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 after the first semester of their freshman year
- Minimum grade of C or score equivalency on AP testing (see Meredith Credit Opportunities for High School Advanced Placement Courses) in MATH 175, BIO 112/142, and CHE 111/141
- Personal statements
- Two letters of recommendation
- Ability to meet Technical Standards
Contact Information
Michelle Hartman
Director, Meredith’s Nursing Program
241 Science and Mathematics Building
(919) 760-8314