The Office of Career Planning: Getting Started

The Office of Career Planning (OCP) at Meredith College serves as a centralized resource for all students. We encourage your student to meet with us early and often, so that she can be intentional about creating a career plan that will guide her throughout her four years at Meredith.

We take an individualized approach to our work, and we help your students identify their natural talents and apply their strengths through career development. Our mission is to empower students to be successful in careers that align with their strengths, interests, values, and goals. In addition to career counseling, planning and decision-making, our team assists students with every step of the process; professional preparation includes resume writing/LinkedIn profile assistance, mock interviews, job search strategies, networking opportunities, graduate school preparation, and more.

Even as a first-year student, there are plenty of ways to engage with us and start the career conversation. OCP has developed a Career Guide, which includes a four-year plan, to help your student stay on track from the moment they begin their Meredith College experience. If your student is still exploring majors and career paths, attending events like employer information sessions or our Internship Discovery Expo (even if she’s not yet seeking an internship!) can allow her to investigate different options and help confirm career direction. We can also help your student make intentional connections with alumnae and professionals for informational conversations as an additional exploration strategy. We work together with your student to identify opportunities to get involved in a way that works best for her. Encourage your student to get started now, and stay up-to-date with our events and opportunities by following Meredith College OCP on Facebook and Instagram.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330