Successful Senior Class Gift Project from the Class of 2023 

Each year,  the Senior Class raises money to support a particular Senior Class Gift project. This initiative is an opportunity for students to give back to the place that has given so much to them.

Led by Senior Class Gift tri-chairs Consepcion Cruz-Valencia, ’23, Rebecca Lopez-Bello, ’23, and Kelsey McCray, ’23, the Class of 2023 voted to support Disability Services with new ADA entrance and exit signs in campus buildings. The signs will be installed this fall, and Disability Services is overjoyed with the passion that the senior class had for this project.

“This gift will make a tremendous difference in helping students with disabilities feel more welcome and included at Meredith. All College buildings are accessible, but the accessible entrance is not always obvious,”  said Assistant Director for Disability Services Carolyn Koning. “The new signage is an excellent gift idea.” 

The Class of 2023 raised $2,500 for their Senior Class Gift. In addition to the excitement behind this initiative, the Espys, a proud Meredith family, served as challenge donors for the campaign. The Class of 2023 greatly appreciates the match from the Espy family and is thankful for their support.

Participation is a significant component of the Senior Class Gift campaign and helps the class make a positive impact on Meredith that will benefit future generations. This tradition of giving is an opportunity for students to learn more about why philanthropy is important to Meredith College.

Photo Information: Kelsey McCray, ’23, one of the tri-chairs of the Senior Class Gift campaign


Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
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