Students Celebrate Ring Week

Meredith College juniors participated in Ring Week October 14-18, one of the most treasured traditions at Meredith. The week began with students picking up their Onyx at the Alumnae House. You could see the excitement on the students’ faces as they saw their rings for the first time.

During the week-long celebration, students wear different “placeholder” rings, as they cannot put their Onyx ring on until Ring Dinner on Friday night. The festive rings included a daisy, Alice cards, corn, angel wings, and a fun light-up ring. 

The Meredith Class Ring was designed in 1953 by a committee including Jean Dula Fletcher, ’53, and Ann Lovell, ’54. The Class of 1954 was the first class to wear the current version of the ring. The ring is an oval Onyx surrounded by silver or gold with an off-centered seal of the College engraved on the Onyx and oak leaves impressed on the band, a symbol for Raleigh, the city of oaks. As undergraduates, students wear the rings on their fingers with the seal facing inward. At commencement, students turn the ring around so the seal faces outwards. The Meredith LUX, meaning light, shines out onto the world. Degree-seeking undergraduate students who have completed 60 hours of coursework are eligible to purchase the ring.

Ring Week and Ring Dinner are sponsored by the junior class, the Office of Alumnae Relations, and Balfour, the College’s ring partner. At Ring Dinner, juniors celebrate the wearing of their class rings and the accomplishment of being halfway through earning their degrees. The Office of Alumnae Relations coordinates the sale of the rings and this year 200 were sold. Alumnae Relations funded 35 rings for students. They also facilitate a Loaner Ring Program for any student needing to borrow a ring to use at Ring Dinner. Alumnae are pleased to have a current student borrow their ring for the event as they want all students to experience Ring Dinner. 

This year’s Ring Week included the unveiling of the six-foot Onyx ring statue on campus, in honor of Jo Allen, ’80, the College’s first alumna president. Current and former members of the Board of Trustees raised money for this gift, with funding support from Balfour.

Melyssa Allen

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