Save the Date for Planning Week 2018
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Planning is underway for Meredith’s 2018 Faculty Staff Planning Week, which will be held August 13-17. There will again be a three-day, Monday-Wednesday format with Thursday and Friday opened for departmental and individual planning. The President will again host a back-to-school ice cream social on Friday afternoon.
Monday, August 13
9:10 a.m., College Coffee (for all employees)
10 a.m., President and ELT (for all employees)
11:20 a.m., Community Lunch in Belk (for all employees)
1 p.m., Afternoon session on trends in college enrollment (for all employees)
3 p.m., Faculty Meeting
Tuesday, August 14
9 a.m.-4 p.m., Various Sessions
4 p.m., Wellness activity
Wednesday, August 15
9 a.m.-3 p.m., Various Sessions
3:30-5 p.m., Arts & Humanities, EHHS, and NMS School Meetings
5-6 p.m., Community at the Brickhouse
Thursday, August 16
Reserved for individual and/or departmental planning
5-7 p.m., New Adjunct Orientation
Friday, August 17
Reserved for individual and/or departmental planning
Afternoon Ice Cream Social (time TBA)
The final schedule will be published on August 1, 2018 so that participants can select sessions of interest to attend on Tuesday and Wednesday.
If you have a session topic for faculty and/or staff that is relevant and important to the start of school, you may send the proposed session title and presenter names to Liz Wolfinger. Given the three-day format, we have limited room for sessions but we do want to consider all options. We will finalize the sessions, dates, and times by July 16, 2018.
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