Opening of School Session Sets Tone for New Academic Year
- By Melyssa Allen
- Published
On the first day of Faculty/Staff Planning Week, President Aimee Sapp set the tone for the new academic year with her Opening of School address.
After sharing a humorous retelling of how she spent July 4 moving from Missouri to the Massey House, Sapp described the murals painted in the Meredith tunnel by the Class of 2024, including messages of gratitude for their classmates, faculty, and staff.
“Those student voices are so essential. They remind us why we are here. Why we do what we do. And they also remind us to be grateful for those who make our lives better,” Sapp said. “So this morning, I begin in gratitude for each of you, for making Meredith the very special place it is.”
Sapp was open about the challenges facing higher education, noting that enrollment and budget would be her priorities in the coming year, along with getting to know the Meredith community better.
“But these challenges are met by strength in opportunity,” Sapp said. “Because of who Meredith is: Meredith is a strong institution with proud traditions and a committed alumnae base. We have a clear mission and sense of identity that many institutions lack.”
She also praised the administrators, faculty, and staff at Meredith, noting that reaching Meredith’s goals includes everyone.
“You’ll learn quickly that I am a strong believer in transparency and shared governance,” she said. “I will also remind you of the responsibilities that come with that.”
Sapp shared that employees would receive a survey from her soon, featuring basic questions about the Meredith experience.
“The information comes to me and if it is necessary to share any of it, it will only happen in the aggregate,” Sapp said. “There is no agenda to this. It is just a step in me acclimating myself to the community and your participation is voluntary.”
The Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and the president will also be organizing campus conversations on enrollment and finance, and Sapp plans to have one-on-one and small group conversations to help her get to know Meredith community members.
After ELT members made brief presentations sharing news from their areas, Sapp also took part in an “Oprah-style” Q&A led by Vice President for College Programs Jean Jackson that gave more of a glimpse into her personality and interests.
Some of the “fun facts” shared included her favorite word (grace), least favorite word (can’t), superpower (knowing song lyrics, but not being able to sing), and favorite thing to do (travel). Visit to learn more about President Aimee Sapp.
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