OCP Emphasizes Career-Ready Communication Opportunities

The Office of Career Planning (OCP) continues its focus on Career Readiness with a special emphasis this year on Career-Ready CommunicationCommunication is one of eight career readiness competencies that are required of students and graduates entering the workplace. Combined with the knowledge, skills, and experiences gained in academic disciplines, these competencies prepare students for the transition and success in the workplace.  

In feedback received from employers, faculty, and staff, OCP has learned that students benefit from opportunities to build and practice their communication skills. Workplaces today, along with institutions of higher education can include up to five different generations. Expectations around communication, modes of delivery, and style and tone, for example, can differ not just among generations, but among individuals, allowing room for miscommunication, misunderstanding, and confusion.    

This focus on Career-Ready Communication will prompt students to pause and think about ways their style of communication aligns or misaligns with the expectations of employers and faculty. Opportunities in OCP-led workshops, events, and one-on-one career counseling sessions will give students safe places to ask questions, practice appropriate responses, receive feedback, and gather strategies to work through some of the anxiety that can exist.

Read more about recent events that provided opportunities for students to practice Career-Ready Communication

Photo courtesy of Cady Stanley, ’25.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
