
Meredith Student Attends Virtual AAFCS Conference

Jill Bromenschenkel, ’21, attended the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences virtual conference June 25-26, 2020.

Bromenschenkel is a Family & Consumer Science major who is also earning 7-12 licensure. She is president of Meredith’s KON Honor Society and serves as treasurer of Meredith’s Association of Family and Consumer Sciences club. She also a student worker in Meredith’s Human Environmental Sciences department. MAFCS club.

The AAFCS conference was open to AAFCS members and anyone with an interest in people-centered sciences. This included professionals in education and training, food science and nutrition, health management and wellness, housing and interior design, human/child development and family relations, personal and family finance, textiles, apparel and retailing and culinary arts, hospitality and tourism. The conference featured more than 50 quality professional development sessions.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
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