Meredith SHRM Receives Outstanding Student Chapter Award

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has awarded a 2015-16 Outstanding Student Chapter Award designation to the Meredith College SHRM student chapter for providing superior growth and development opportunities to its student chapter members.

Meredith College was one of the winners selected from 206 schools from across the United States that applied for the award.

The SHRM student chapter merit award program, which began in 1972, was created to encourage student chapters to require ongoing excellence in the following areas: student chapter requirements, chapter operations, chapter programming, and professional development of members, support of the human resource profession, and SHRM engagement.

“These chapters truly represent the future of the HR profession,” said Susan Post, SHRM-SCP, East Divisional Director at SHRM and the lead for SHRM’s Student Programs. “Their achievements go above and beyond their everyday academic and work commitments and we applaud the positive impact their efforts have on their schools, their local communities and beyond.”

SHRM student chapters have the opportunity to earn an award based on the number of activities they complete during the merit award cycle, which lasted from April 1, 2015, to March 31, 2016.

Career development was a targeted issue for programs this year.  The Meredith SHRM Chapter partnered with the Raleigh Wake Human Resource Management Association to create and implement an incredible Mentor Program this year. As a chapter Meredith SHRM, met and exceeded Raleigh Wake’s goal for student participation in their program. The Meredith SHRM chapter assisted in the development, planning, and hosting of the Raleigh Wake Mentor Program Kick Off event. Students were matched with mentors they selected themselves by having the opportunity to meet them and several other professionals in a “speed dating” type setting. This increased the students’ overall exposure to the professionals and allowed them to make connections with several professionals not just their own matched mentor. The entire semester-long program was a resounding success and received raved reviews by all who participated.

SHRM is the world’s largest association devoted to human resource management. Representing more than 285,000 professional and 20,000 student members in over 160 countries, the association serves the needs of HR professionals and advances the interests of the HR profession.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
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