Meredith School of Business Hosts Delegation from Belarus
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On Monday, September 9, 2019, Meredith College and its School of Business hosted an international delegation of women’s educators and business leaders from the eastern European country of Belarus.
The delegation visited Meredith as part of a tour sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, through its International Visitor Leadership Program.
Meredith faculty, staff, and students shared information on women and private higher education, the curriculum for women’s business education, women in leadership roles, and best practices to overcome stereotypes.
Dianne Raubenheimer, Meredith’s director of research, planning and assessment, opened the visit with an overview of the role of women in private higher education in the U.S.
Darren Masier, assistant professor of human resource management and MBA director, discussed emotional intelligence and advised participants to “be an individual, seek out a role model, and find the leadership style that works for you.”
Carolina Diaz, associate director of the MBA program, and several graduate and undergraduate business students also shared their experiences with the delegation.
One Belarusian guest had such a great experience that she returned to campus later in the week to meet with Diane Ellis, professor and fashion merchandising and design program coordinator. The visitor also sat in on a fashion merchandising class.
Invitations to participate in U.S. State Department international visitor exchanges are one of the benefits of Meredith’s long-standing relationship with International Focus, Inc.
International Focus, Inc. is a Raleigh-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting mutual understanding between the people of N.C. and the international community through education, cultural exchange, arts, and the celebration of achievements.
International Focus, Inc., delegation visits are facilitated by the Provost’s office.
Meredith Provost Matthew Poslusny, who welcomed the group, said his office facilitates international delegation visits to campus when time allows “out of a desire to share ideas with international educators and to develop more partnerships abroad.”
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