Join us for Alumnae Reunion Weekend | May 16-18, 2025 

Join us on campus in May to relive your Meredith days! All alumnae are invited to attend Alumnae Reunion Weekend, and classes ending in a five or zero will be celebrating a special class reunion. 

On Friday, we will celebrate the Class of 1975 and all other classes who have celebrated a 50th reunion at the Golden Oaks Society Luncheon. The campus party, hosted by President Aimee Sapp, will feature live music from BOUNCE Party Band. Saturday highlights include a State of the College, a campus luncheon, and individual class activities. The weekend will conclude on Sunday with the Alumnae Worship Service and Brunch.  

Visit to see the schedule of on-campus events and individual class events as they become available. Registration will open soon. Should you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact the Office of Alumnae Relations at (919) 760-8548 or  We look forward to welcoming you home in May!

Keep up-to-date with Alumnae events by visiting our calendar at

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330