Giving Day Exceeds Goal

Meredith College held its second annual Make It Count for Meredith Giving Day on February 28, 2017. A total of 1,758 donors contributed $379,166 during the 24-hours. Initially it was reported that a total of $356,375 was raised, but additional dollars were counted that were not given on the Giving Day website.

The Giving Day goal of $250,000 was met by 5 p.m., so then the focus was how far above the goal donors would push by midnight. An additional, $129,166  was raised in seven hours ending with 151% of the original goal.

Make It Count for Meredith was driven by social media and alumnae volunteers who spread the word. Donors were asked this year to honor the strong woman in their life with a gift. They were encouraged to share their photos and stories through social media to create awareness and as a way to thank the woman or group of women they were honoring.

Various matching gifts throughout the day from Meredith parents, the Alumnae Association Board of Directors, and the Young Alumnae Board helped motivated donors to give. An hour-long challenge between the Odd and Even classes showed the competitive spirit of Meredith as well, with the Evens winning by a small margin, though the Odds had the most donors for the day. By the end of the giving day challenge 84% of gifts came from alumnae.

Facebook Live broadcasts from students and alumnae kept the social media audience engaged and allowed donors to share their personal stories of the strong women they had honored and why giving to Meredith was so important.

Visit to view final totals by class and state.

The Meredith Fund, who organized the event, is thankful to all the donors who contributed and designated their gifts to make a difference.

Make It Count for Meredith Giving Day was part of Beyond Strong │The Campaign for Meredith, which has raised more than $63 million to date.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330