Find Out How The Learning Center Can Help Your Student Finish Strong!

We know this semester has required lots of strength and determination, and we know that students turn to the people they trust when they need help. If your student is struggling in her classes or if your student isn’t quite making the grade she wants to, working with a Learning Center tutor might be exactly what she needs at the end of the semester. The time to begin preparing for final exams is upon us, and we can help.

Learning Center tutors can meet with students one-on-one via Zoom. The tutors are all trained to help students assess their own learning and make a plan to do better in many of their 100- and 200-level courses. Our most popular subject areas are writing, math (both statistics and calculus), world languages (especially Spanish), and chemistry. Please encourage students struggling in any of these areas to reach out to a tutor and benefit from a new academic partnership with a peer.

In some classes, your student might notice that a tutor is offering review sessions before tests or even weekly drop-in sessions. These are great ways to connect and have someone to talk with about the material presented by the professor. Embedded tutors are a great resource for any student who has questions in the course. 

Students can make appointments with tutors online at any time. The Meredith College Learning Center is committed to stronger learning together! Let’s finish strong!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330