Field Trip Helps International and Out-of-State Students Feel at Home
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Meredith students with international backgrounds and those from out-of-state were able to experience their new home through a recent field trip to downtown Raleigh.
This was the second year in which the field trip has been offered in order to help students learn more about what Raleigh has to offer.
“The purpose of the trip is to give students from international backgrounds and out-of-state students an opportunity to get off campus and experience Raleigh while learning more about the wonderful area where they live and go to school,” said Traci Johnson, assistant director of international programs.
Johnson and Jessica Sharpe, Heilman residence director, accompanied the student group, which included members of the Meredith International Association and the Refugee and Immigrant Club. The group took a Raleigh Trolley tour through local landmarks and were introduced to Raleigh attractions before having dinner at Morgan Street Food Hall.
This year, 17 students attended, which is almost double the number who went last year. Johnson said the increase shows the opportunity is meeting a need for students to get off campus and explore Raleigh.
Marie Johnson, a senior from The Gambia, called the field trip a unique opportunity to learn about Raleigh.
“Not only did we get to see historic buildings and monuments around Raleigh, we also got to learn about how Raleigh came to be the capital city and stories about the builders of this city,” said Johnson. “We also got to stop by Morgan Street Food Hall and enjoy foods from around the world from many different vendors, which speaks to the diversity of this city.”
Freshman Mei Li Moo King, who is from Trinidad & Tobago, agreed with Johnson that the field trip was a memorable experience.
“I took this opportunity to learn more about Raleigh and it was definitely worth it. I saw the beautiful houses that belonged to governors and learned about the history behind them, the culture of the city, and the interesting things to do,” King said. “For dinner we got to choose from a variety of delicious food at the food hall and we even got Krispy Kreme for dessert.”
The Office of International Programs, The Office of Retention and Student Success and the Dean of Students Office sponsor this experience because of its benefits to students who may not be familiar with Raleigh.
“This trip is a good way for students to connect, get off campus, and make them feel like there are opportunities offered to make them feel at home at Meredith College,” Johnson said.
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