Faculty/Staff Accomplishments and News Briefs 5/10/23
- Published
In this issue, we share accomplishments from faculty and staff in biology, economics, and history, along with news briefs about Meredith’s summer hours and a save the date for a CRC staff workshop.
Professor of History Dan Fountain was part of a panel for the Historical Society of North Carolina’s spring meeting at the City of Raleigh Museum on April 14. Richard Cox of UNC Greensboro and Fountain described their work as part of two different initiatives studying slavery. Fountain discussed Meredith’s Legacies of Slavery: Reckoning with the Past project and Cox discussed the Digital Library on American Slavery at UNC Greensboro. Valerie Johnson, Dean of the Shaw University School of Arts, Sciences, & Humanities served as moderator.
Professor Emerita Janice Swab is volunteering with the Galapagos Conservancy in the Galapagos Islands. She encourages everyone to check into their programs for helping to maintain wildlife in these fragile islands. “These animals that you see when you come this way are not able to maintain their populations on their own and the Conservancy is one of the few organizations helping to keep the numbers up,” Swab said. Visit galapagos.org for more information.
Professor of Economics Anne York was one of three economists interviewed by WRAL Techwire for a story analyzing recent actions by the Federal Reserve. “Triangle economists: Looks like a pause is coming on interest rate hikes” was published on May 3, 2023.
News Briefs
Summer Hours
The Executive Leadership Team (ELT) has approved half-day Fridays for this summer beginning on May 19 for most administrative offices. Summer hours will last through Friday, August 11, with a return to normal Friday hours on August 18. Staff should mark these hours as “Other” on time cards.
CRC Staff Conference Coming in July
Save the date for the Cooperating Raleigh Colleges (CRC) Staff Conference on Thursday, July 13, 2023. The event will be held at NC State’s McKimmon Center from 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Look for additional details and registration information soon. Cooperating Raleigh Colleges is a nonprofit consortium that promotes collaboration among higher education institutions in Raleigh and with the Wake County community. – Submitted by Kaitlin Toxey and Ginny Watkins
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