Assessment Matters – September 2018

SACSCOC Decennial Re-accreditation
Meredith College has begun work on the next SACSCOC re-accreditation process. A steering committee has been formed and a timeline for writing the self-study developed. The self-study (called Compliance Certification) will be submitted in September 2020, with an on-site visit occurring in spring 2021. New accreditation standards were approved in 2017 and this next review will be under these new standards.

Campus Scorecards
Each year the Office of Research, Planning and Assessment (RPA) scores all Continuous Improvement Reports (CIRs) submitted. These scores have been tracked over the past five years, for all units. The average scores for undergraduate academic programs, administrative units and college programs are shown in the graph below. It can be seen that units in all areas have made significant gains in assessment practices over the last five years.

5 year assessment score card

Assessment Mini-Grants
In 2017-18, RPA awarded mini-grants to faculty in the following departments for assessment activities:

Communication – participation in Emotional Intelligence (EQi 2.0) training, in order to develop approaches to using the EQi 2.0 instrument for program assessment.

Chemistry, Geoscience and Physics – faculty retreat to revise the five-year assessment plan and develop new assessment metrics.

Mathematics – summer stipends for faculty to develop Quantitative Reasoning sub-outcomes and metrics, and for assistance in implementing the baseline ETS Quantitative Reasoning assessment to incoming first year students. Results of the assessment will be used for General Education assessment.

If you would like to apply for an assessment mini-grant, please submit your proposal through the web portal. Proposals are reviewed and funding decisions made on a first come, first serve basis, until the budgeted amount is reached. A maximum of $500 per person may be awarded.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330