Alumnae Hike Virtually to Raise Money for Students
- Published
Alumnae Relations held a Virtual Angel Hike, April 8-22, 2021, in an effort to raise funds for the Student Emergency Fund and to create a way for alumnae to engage with each other and the College.
Ninety-two alumnae registered for the event and $2,200 was donated to the Student Emergency Fund. Photos were shared on the Facebook event page. In total, these alumnae and three future Meredith Angels hiked 372.11 miles. Twenty-eight class years were represented ranging from 1966-2015. Nineteen states and countries were represented, including Germany and England.
“The virtual Trick or Trot organized in conjunction with the exercise and sports science students went well in the fall, so we thought that it would be fun to coordinate another virtual event for the spring semester for alumnae to support the Student Emergency Fund,” said Denise Parker, associate director of alumnae relations. “We planned it so that it would end on April 22 – Earth Day. It was a treat for everyone to share photos of the locations of the hikes and the number of miles. This will likely become an annual event!”
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