Transfer and Wings Adult Students: Visit Campus

Whether you’re transferring from another institution, completing an interrupted degree, or starting college for the first time, Meredith is here to help you achieve your goals and receive your diploma. Our small class sizes and personal approach to education ensure we’ll get to the real you to offer strong support during your time at Meredith and beyond. 

Transfer and Wings Students Resources

We invite you to our Transfer and Wings Adult Education Information Session on Wednesday, February 5, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. to further explore how Meredith will support you. You’ll learn more about 

  • Options for majors
  • The application and scholarship process (inside scoop: we offer generous transfer scholarships!) 
  • Transfer credit policies
  • Advising
  • Financial aid 

Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to speak with faculty, advisors, admissions counselors, and financial aid counselors – and tour our beautiful campus. 

Register now to learn more about finishing strong! 

Admissions Blog Sign Up

Sign up for our blog and get tips to help you write a strong college application essay. You’ll also receive valuable information every week to help you with your college search, including how to tell if a school is a good fit, how to pay for college, and more!

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Office of Admissions
1st Floor, Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8581
(919) 760-2348