Parts of a College Application

If you’re a high school senior planning to go to college next academic year, you will likely start filling out your applications soon. While it is exciting to start the next chapter of your life, the college search and application process can also be stressful. In today’s blog, we go over each part of the Meredith College application to help you navigate the process.

High School Transcript

The first thing on the list is, of course, your high school transcript! Your transcript provides the most comprehensive record of your academic accomplishments in high school, making it one of the most important parts of your college application. Our Admissions Team will review your coursework for academic rigor and grades.

Below are the minimum units required. If you have not yet completed one of the units, be sure it is on your schedule for your senior year.

English – 4
Mathematics – 3, 4 preferred (Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry or a higher level course for which Algebra II is a pre-requisite.)
Science – 3
History/Social Science – 3
Foreign Language – 2
Academic Elective – 1

SAT or ACT Scores

Submission of the SAT/ACT is optional. If you’ve taken the SAT or ACT and feel the score represents your ability, submit the score. We understand, however, that access to these exams is limited for some applicants which is why submitting your scores is optional. Whether or not you choose to submit your scores, you will not be penalized for your choice.

Learn more about applying test optional.

School Report – School Official Recommendation

Another important part of your application is a recommendation from your school counselor. If you apply through Meredith’s application or the Common Application, your school counselor will receive a request to complete our School Report form.


In addition to a counselor recommendation, Meredith requires a recommendation from a teacher or another school official who can attest to your academic ability during your junior or senior year. It is up to you who you ask. Consider choosing someone who knows you well and can speak highly about you as a person and student.


Next up on the list is a personal essay. This is your opportunity to show our Admissions Team who you are as a person – your strengths, background, interests, and passions.

If you apply through Meredith’s application platform, you will respond to the prompt below.

Please describe how you’ve familiarized yourself with Meredith College and two aspects of our community that attract and inspire you.

If you are applying through the Common Application, you will respond to one of the Common Application’s essay prompts. You may also elect to respond to Meredith’s essay prompt.

Some tips for writing your essay:

  • Be thoughtful and authentic.
  • Grab the reader’s attention. Admissions counselors read hundreds of essays so you want yours to stand out.
  • Review for any typos or grammatical errors before submitting. Reading it out loud or having a family member or friend review it can be a good way to catch any mistakes.

Application Fee

Lastly, our application includes a $40 non-refundable fee. For information about fee waivers, please review the fee waiver list on The Common Application or our Meredith Application.

Home-Schooled Students

If you are a home-schooled student, you will also be required to interview with one of our Admissions Counselors and submit two recommendations. One of the recommendations should be completed by a non-relative.

After reading this list, you may feel overwhelmed. That’s completely normal. Take a deep breath and take it one step at a time. And, remember, if at any point you have a question or concern during the application process, our Admissions Team is happy to help!

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