How to Move Your College Search Forward and Still Enjoy Your Holiday Break

Winter break is right around the corner! While you’re likely looking forward to the time off, there’s also something about long breaks that can make you feel pressured to make progress in your college search. Yet, at the same time, you may feel like doing nothing but cozying up on the couch and eating holiday treats. 

Never fear – you can do both! In today’s blog, we share some tips for you to check some items off your to-do list and enjoy the holidays. 

High School Seniors

If you’re a senior, these tasks should be at the top of your to-do list:

If you have already completed these tasks, good job! You’re ahead of the game. Schedule a second visit to your top choice(s) and, most importantly, take some time to rest and enjoy your holiday break.

Applying to college can be overwhelming. The holidays should be about rest, so try not to overdo it and stress yourself out. Accomplish one or two big tasks each day or complete several similar tasks in batches to minimize burnout and maximize productivity.

Pay close attention to application deadlines and be sure to mark them on your calendar. And remember, one of the best ways to determine fit is through campus visits – so be sure to get those on the calendar as well if you haven’t already.

High School Juniors

If you’re a junior, now is the time to start (or continue) your research. Make a list of schools you’re interested in and check out their websites and social media. You can also ask your parents, family members, and teachers about their college experiences to see if their choices might be of interest to you. If you’re not sure where to start with a list, take a college selection assessment at or, or talk with your college counselor.

Also, plan to attend a college fair near you in the spring. Check out for details on upcoming college fairs.

If you’ve already made good headway on forming a list of your college choices, start narrowing it down by scheduling visits or signing up for open houses.

Bottom line: by taking some time out from your holiday fun to make progress on your college search, you’ll enjoy your well-deserved break even more. And mental health can play a role in the college decision process, so taking time to relax and connect with loved ones is important.

Happy Holidays from Meredith College!

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