As you begin or continue your college search, you may wonder how to determine which college is right for you. With an abundance of options available, you may find yourself a bit overwhelmed or confused about where to even start the process. While only you can make the final decision, here are five important factors you should consider.
This factor is probably the most obvious – of course you want to choose a college that offers a major you are interested in studying. But you also want to be sure the academic program will set you up for success after graduation. A college should prepare you to enter and thrive in the workforce. Dig deeper into each program and research 1) the curriculum to ensure you’ll learn relevant skills and knowledge for your field, 2) the faculty to gauge their level of expertise and teaching style, and 3) student outcomes to learn more about post-graduation opportunities.
If you are currently undecided on a major, you’ll want to be sure the college you choose has a wide variety of disciplines and majors – and is equipped to help you choose your major when the time is right. Whether you’re undecided or decided on a major, visiting a campus is a great way to learn more about the academic programs at a college and connect with students and faculty.
The campus culture will impact your development and relationships. It is important to find a college where you will be challenged to grow and supported by faculty, staff, and peers. This way, you can leave college with the confidence necessary to succeed in any stage of life.
Connecting with current students, visiting the campus, and following a college’s social media platforms are great ways to gain insight into the campus culture.
Are you looking for a college in a hustling, bustling city or are you interested in something more remote and quieter? Neither option is better than the other, but if you have a personal preference, it can impact your overall college experience. During your college search, take some time to determine which setting would be best for you. At Meredith, you’ll have a bit of both. Located in the heart of Raleigh, you’ll get to explore the city’s lively scene and also be part of a close-knit community on our small, picturesque campus.
Some colleges have upwards of 50,000 students while others have less than 1,000. Larger universities tend to have a wider variety of student organizations and programs. However, if you prefer a personalized environment and individualized support, a smaller college may be right for you.
As you progress through your major at a small college, you’ll be in classes with familiar classmates and professors, making it easier to build relationships. Knowing your professors can make you feel more comfortable speaking up in class and asking for help, enhancing your academic experience. Faculty members can also assist with graduate school applications, internship opportunities, research experience, and more.
Four Reasons to Attend a Small College
Last but not least, look into the resources and support a college provides for students. Some questions to ask yourself during the research process:
A good college should help students in various aspects of their lives, not just academically (although that’s important too!). College is a time to prepare for your future so you want to ensure you’ll have the support and resources you need to reach your potential.
How a College Can Provide Support During Your College Journey
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